11 August 2004

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth

John Kerry has done what any good liberal would do when faced with a challenge. He turned to litigation! You go John, so much for free speech.

Let's see how many TV stations we can scare into not showing the opposition's ads?

Somebody defend this. The John's are out there telling us how strong America is gonna be right after we surrender in Iraq!

Bill O'Reilly is telling his Kool-aid drinkers that the Swift Boat Vets have no proof. Safe huh Bill?

You sure as hell go after Bush for unsubstantiated, then proven, lies but you wanna cozy up to Kerry huh? I have seen your stuff enough to know that you don't want to tangle with Kerry for some reason.

I guess he is just too ethical as opposed to the President right?

President Bush's detractors have been attacking him fiercly and these attacks draw little fire but you get pretty angry when a true veteran questions Kerry. Why is this Bill?

I support the Swift Boat Veterans and what they are doing. They have every right to do this and if the incidents are as they describe them John Kerry should be publicly humiliated for his treasonous activities during the Vietnam War!


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