02 October 2005

The Big Easy

By Bill Horton

The headlines read “THE GOVERNMENT FAILED”.

I could not agree more. The government at fault
was reported to be bankrupt today. But alas, they
were bankrupt before Katrina!

Yes folks, that’s right, the Mayor of New Orleans
made the statement that the City of New Orleans was
seeking federal loans to make payroll for the city

I would have to agree but I think our agreement
falls apart when I blame Governor Blanco and governors
before her. I blame Mayors Nagin and former Mayor
Morial they acquired federal funding for the city to
rebuild the levees and did nothing.

New Orleans always managed to doge the bullet when
it came to hurricanes. The money went elsewhere. I’m
sure you would find a politician with a brother,
sister, mother or father running and environmental
consulting firm somewhere making a nice chunk of
change to tell the city “everything is just great.”

Meanwhile, as we watch the stories rolling out of
the Big Easy, we see destruction. This destruction
was due to the levees failing AFTER Katrina. The
levees failed after the media declared NOLA made it

It will be interesting to see where did the money

Every city and state has its stories. Louisiana
has hers. “Louisiana, the best politicians money can
buy” Laugh now, watch for the results of the
congressional inquiry into this mess. You will hear
tales as tall as two Empire state buildings.

I know I sound as if I am lacking in compassion.
Believe me, I am not! Some of best people I know are
in the immediate vicinity and I still cannot get a
call through!

I also know that it is far easier to say “blame
Bush!” Sure, go ahead, but be careful, because there
is a paper trail out there and it will be a mess when
the truth comes out.

After living in the area and seeing how things
work, I know that Bush is not going to be the odd man
out after this one. Nagin, Blanco, Foster and Morial
are names you will hear as these hearings start

As for Senator Mary Landrieu, her father was the
Mayor of New Orleans during the 70’s and
many-a-colorful tale exists out there regarding ole
“Moon” Landrieu.


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