03 October 2005

On Diversity . . .

By Bill Horton


This word can do so much damage yet so few
realize it.

Diversity in the modern sense means many
different things. My take on the word is to value the
inputs of those with whom I disagree. No more, no
less. I do not value opinions based on the way a
person appears at the conversation.

To value a person that looks differently seems to
me to be discrimination.

Appreciating someone's opinion because they are a
member of one group or another seems fundamentally
wrong to me. When discussing the issues of the day
what standard do you use to consider another�s point
of view? Do you consider their ethnicity when
discussing gas taxes? Do consider one's sex when
discussing property taxes? Is it important to you to
ensure there is a "correct" mixture of ethnicity and
sex before discussing weighty matters? If so, I
actually pity you.

I am rather proud of whom I am and it is not
because my parents were oppressors or possessors of
great with and fame. No I am proud of the fact that
my parents started out with modest means and worked
hard every day until they reached the goals which they
had aimed for.

They were NOT members of the country club. There
were no great luxuries in our home but it was
comfortable, clean and warm.

Working hard and achieving is not something that
should bring shame. But in these times it seems that
in order to respect ones self one must march down the
street on May 1st and celebrate one�s victimization.

I subscribe to the belief that one can achieve
anything one strives to achieve if one is serious and
works diligently toward that end.

My folks did not tell me to look to my heritage
to get through life, my father told me when I started
mowing lawns for summer cash that "boy, you are going
to work from now on until the day you die." That was
not meant as a threat, it was simply insight from a
life spent working. Robert was no philosopher but he
did not bullshit me either. Reality can be hard to
swallow but accepting it can make one stronger and
improve your outlook as you improve you place in life.

I see folks around me every single day that envy
the lives of others. I am looking for the
"opportunity" to achieve while they watch. Accepting
ones lot in life does not mean that you have forsaken
improvement, it simply means that you know where you
are and know where you want to be.


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