06 September 2006

The defeat of America and the American Left

By Bill Horton

MSNBC is having an all-day love in for the Democrats. If you want to see what is wrong with journalism today, tune in!

I am a conservative Republican and I am ready to debate any Democrat anytime. First point, wiretaps. So you disagree that the job of the United States Government is to seek and find the enemies of our country. You disagree that America should fight our enemies with extreme prejudice and win. Will you stipulate that the detainees at Guantanamo are not uniformed, State combatants?

Their platform is essentially the defeat of America and our submission to the will of a bunch of rag-tag fanatic kooks hell-bent on our destruction.

I cannot wait to see the campaign ads on how the evil Bush Administration has captured or killed top al-Qaeda leaders using illegal wiretaps and intelligence collection techniques.

Go ahead Democrats; run on the defeat of your own nation. Sympathize with the enemy all you like. Rally your representatives in the House to make slanderous remarks about Marines that had yet to have the benefit of their right to trial!

I want to meet the people that are with the ACLU and support the free exchange of ideas to and from al-Qaeda terrorists unfettered by the NSA!

If you support the ACLU and the Democrats in their demonic desire to see America fall, leave this nation now. I want mom and pop in Middle America to see your faces. I want you exposed for your core belief that America is the enemy of the world and should fall to defeat. Next, I would like to be standing in the room as you bow down to you Islamo-Fascist idols as they CUT OFF YOU WORTHLESS HEAD! That is what Islamo whack jobs want, they want ALL Westerners dead idiot, and they want us wiped off the planet so they can return to the ninth century!

Therefore, the next time you are out there advocating for the enemy I want you to think of Nick Berg and the others, think what happened to them simply for being a non-Muslim. Do you have that image in your head? Good, if they have their way they will have your pathetic head!


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