11 September 2006

I remember

By Bill Horton

Islamo-Fascist fanatics attacked America five years ago today.

The World Trade Center towers once stood in New York City as a symbol of American success.

There are many versions of what happened five years ago today. There are conspiracy theories; there are those that choose to ignore any of what happened on September 11 2001.

Life in this country changed forever. There are new inconveniences', there are new rules that govern travel.

America was enjoying her prosperity and relative calm. She saw many a bright sunny day before and has seen many since but they are not the same as before. Somehow, it is different. It is different still for others that refuse to look at the enemy and see it for what is. Instead, we are to be the enemy, our own nation is the enemy. That nation that actually has the freedom to allow citizens to stand and say such ridiculous things is the enemy.

We are free to believe that we are evil and not the Islamo-Fascists. After all, since 9/11 we have seen people calling the enemy "freedom fighters" and calling for the enemy's fair treatment.

I have not lost sight of the enemy. The enemy is not the good people of America that discover and devise the means by which the people of the Earth live each day. The enemy IS those who would appease Islamo-Fascists and give into their demands.

There has been a sense of purpose in previous World Wars. Why is this one different? Is it because many are not drawn to serve in the struggle? Is it because the struggle is unjust? I think it is the fact that the enemy has been so far away these past five years and not on our doorstep.

Perhaps an attack of greater magnitude is required to "rally" support among the people.

Whom do you see as the enemy? Should we be appeasing and converting to Islam as these lunatics require? Would you? Could you? Is it the President's fault that they hate us?

I know who the enemy is. It is those that wish to see a submissive America, one that bows to cowards killing children in the name of religion. Those that kill innocents for promises of perversion after death.

9/11 changed me as well. I am thinking about those changes today. America must be strong. Her people must have the stomach to survive or the enemy will have its way. I do not wish to live in such a world as the ninth century Middle East!

I hope that you can reach back to the point of supporting America and not give aid and comfort to America's enemies. Few things are more important to our survival than this.


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