04 November 2006


By Bill Horton

I am officially retired from the Navy.
Originally, to mark the occasion, I was going to write
this long summary of the years gone past but I just
thought up something else.

I am watching a video of the Blue Angels. There
was an occasion in 1988 that I was recommended to the
Blue Angels for selection as a communicator with their
traveling staff.

I hear reports about the “poor folks in the War
on Terror”, I understand what THEY are feeling. They
want to win. They signed up to DO THAT! They do feel
the same pride I do. They want very much to defeat
the enemy and come home but make no mistake, they
want it to end WHEN they defeat the enemy not before.

I heard a lady at work today asking someone with
her “how do those people do it aver there?” The other
lady said that she didn't know but she had a relative
over there that just signed up to go back. Yep, that
will do it, I thought to myself and walked by and
didn't say a word.

My time in the Navy was amazing.
I met the best and worst of people. Depending on the
situation, they were one and the same.

I feel an immense swelling of pride when the flag
goes by and people still stand and take off their hat.
I get very embarrassed when someone makes a big deal
out of my “status”. I am confident that America has
what she needs in her fighting forces. There are
people that still “believe” in America. That allows
many others the freedom NOT TO!

I served 21 years, two months and so many days.
I loved mostly every minute of it. I am the Navy. I
always will be. Wanda says I bleed Blue and Gold. I
have been called Joe Navy. I always received that as
a compliment. I love the Navy and we have a great
one! It has been my highest honor to serve! I am
among the workforce now and it is going well.

I am never to sail in Naval vessels again but be
sure and know this, I KNOW there will come a day when
I will surely long for the smell of the sea and the
sounds of life at sea. I am a Sailor and always will

I will always look fondly back at those days when
a sailor asked. “hey Chief, how do you do that?

I stand relieved.


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