19 October 2005


By Bill Horton

The USS Iowa is the subject of a strange proposal.

Originally, the ship was to be moored on the Embarcadero in San Francisco with other ships of historical significance.

The city council rejected that plan because they did not want to send a pro war signal to the world after all it was still San Francisco right?

Back to the story. A second proposal has come about to place the ship in the bay to serve as a museum to minorities. You know the usual suspects, ethnic minorities, women and gays. Gays? Oh yes, it is to depict how all minorities have had to overcome hardship to serve in the military and the final display will be how the struggle goes on with the quest for equality. Gays are being stifled by not being allowed to serve openly gay.

Let’s see, in World War II Japanese Americans DID serve but had to overcome obvious difficulties because of Pearl Harbor. Blacks were discriminated against under the segregationist policies of the day.

William Jefferson Clinton introduced the “don’t ask don’t tell” policy to DoD. Realistically, homosexuals have served and continue to serve. Members are not "required” to proclaim their sexual preference upon entrance. I have heard it all, “heteros are accepted and they can talk about their evenings all they want with no fear.” You know, that is true, there is usually little complaining when a hetero member discusses his/her experience the night before. The position that draws fire is that it isn’t fair that homosexuals can not freely discuss their experiences.

Frankly if all things were equal I would prefer not to hear about any exploits but I do not find a conventional pair’s exploits as disturbing. Call me what you like but male/female relationships “work”.

The Iowa is a proud ship. I have served in the U S Navy for the past twenty years and upon my enlistment the ultimate duty would have been to be assigned to one of those massive beauties.

The Iowa should be left alone rather than become a political tool for the agenda of a few deviants that would, in my humble opinion, disgrace the good ship Iowa (BB 61).

Homosexuality is not a social norm regardless of what the New York Times says and the USS Iowa should sit in mothballs rather than be a rainbow clad disgrace to all who served in her!


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