20 November 2005

Cowards cut and run, Marines don't!

By Bill Horton

John Murtha of Pennsylvania stirred up a lively
session in the House of Representatives this week by
suggesting that we pull all troops out of Iraq

Duncan Hunter, of California, decided to make
Murtha put his money where his mouth is and wrote a
resolution directing the immediate pullout of troops
from Iraq.

The show that played out on the floor of the
House was exciting to say the least. Nancy Pelosi
found herself in an odd position of defending the

Nancy Pelosi was called out on the referendum
recently passed in San Francisco that banned military
recruiters from schools. By the way, they also banned
ALL hand guns in that city.

All of the drama that played out really centered
around grandstanding and providing cover for
supporting the war. I am certain that Pelosi dreamt
up a coupe in that Murtha would appear to be
“suddenly” against the war and pull “See?” we told ya

They in no way expected to be called to vote on
their little stunt. The Republicans finally showed a
little backbone and made the Democrats finally

Success in Iraq is happening. The Democrats
cannot break from the bonds of their anti-America,
anti-war past. They cannot continue claiming that we
are losing when the people of Jordan rise up and
protest against Zarqawi and his ilk.

They see precious little time left to snatch
defeat from the jaws of victory!

It seems apparent that the left has one goal and
that is to turn the American people against George
Bush and the war on terror.

I don’t care what people think of George Bush
personally but he is the President and it his funny
how the cruise missile attacks of the Clinton era were
the “answer” but actually going after someone such as
bin Laden was off the table? We were told time after
time how great Clinton was for wasting ten cruise
missiles on the eves of his most embarrassing moments.

The CIA had several instances where bin Laden was
in the crosshairs and Clinton and his bunch pulled the

Bush is doing the dirty work and he has an ALL
VOLUNTEER FORCE pursuing the nation’s enemies!

If you can’t stomach all of the horrible news in
the evening news then turn off the damn TV and find
something else to do, there are people out there that
do these things and simply making you queasy is
actually no concern of theirs.


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