13 November 2006

Introspection time.

By Bill Horton

I am likely to lay low for a while as I undergo some philosophical changes. I need to come to grips with the concept that self-reliance is NOT really the answer.

I supported George W. Bush in the past two elections and all that has happened is people have become unhappy and have told me how wrong I was to steadfastly support the War on Terrorism and Bush's illegal war in Iraq.

Perhaps it is time to reconcile with what I have long thought was the wrong way and try to understand that philosophy.

I have decided that while I may never fully understand moderates I should try to be one because it is obviously the “will of the people” that moderation and cooperation take the place of partisanship.

I will research great moderates in history and read what they read, understand the great moderate revolutionaries that obviously have guided America without my notice for so many years.

I admit freely that my old philosophy was of a libertarian bent but now I freely admit that being a conservative is just not popular anymore and I no longer wish to be thought of as someone who judges the motives of others. Perhaps people should just live as they choose and let the chips fall where they may?

The time has come for me to close for now. Perhaps the future will show me the errors of my ways and cause me to rethink my was of the past.


At 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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