01 December 2006

By Bill Horton

The venerable 9/11 commission's numero uno recommendation (substitute: demand) was that Congress reform and become more open to scrutiny. The Democrats ran against President Bush in 2004 with vigor claiming they would “take the 9/11 commission report literally should they be “installed”.

I am nearly gleeful to report that they have decided NOT to do what they said they would do and follow the report literally. Surprised? Seeker, er um I mean Speaker-to-be Pelosi will not be asked about this as she is a media darling so you heard it hear first, maybe second or third but you heard it here!

I learned today just why the UN will not do anything about the killing in Darfor Sudan. The killers are Arabs. Their hands are tied, they cannot anger the Arabs. They would get involved if the killing could somehow be linked to Israel or the United States but not the peace-loving Arabs. The people of The Sudan have likely angered the peace-loving Arabs and therefore, not unlike the United States, must be made to atone for their misdeeds. Let the mass killing continue unfettered, it is obviously Allah's wish.

Oh yes, for all of you out there that were hoping I was wrong about the Dems and taxes? I wasn't, they have a plan that is called a tax cut. In the Washington Times today a story runs with the headline, “Democrats to offer permanent tax cut”, you should read the piece. It will be a deduction on your annual “gift” to the IRS. Of course it won't be on the 2006 return or any other actually because they have to be able to make it happen before they assume power. As Rush noted today, this will most certainly spark a rise in tuition cost as the libs run the major schools! You will get a ten percent increase in tuition and will be able to deduct a portion of that already astronomical cost from an astronomical tax bill, yippee. This must have been a concession from Charlie Rangel who has stated very publicly that he will not let a single one of the Bush tax cuts stand.

Now for the entertainment news! Eric Clapton has teamed up with longtime singer/songwriter J. J. Cale for an album entitled “The road to Escondido”. I believe that I read it was a place in Mexico but if it was the one in San Diego County I would prefer not taking that road. The “5” Northbound to Escondido CA is more like a parking lot than a highway but the trip would be long enough to hear a full-length album! Any who, good music on that one, I listened to the preview on J. J.'s website, I have teens, can't afford a CD.



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