10 January 2007

DEMS in a nutshell.

By Bill Horton

Have you heard about the newest stem cell source?
Amniotic fluid is the latest find as a stem cell

It does not require the destruction of an embryo
and does not harm the mother. So the Democrats are
already against it.

If you watch the evening news you likely won't
hear about this as Senator Tom Harkin has already put
the word out to the press that they should not break
such stories so close to a Senate debate on stem cell
research. Of course not Senator, we should only
pursue those stories that show the necessity for death
or destruction.

The Democrats are so tied to abortion that they
have to support the destruction of life, except for
convicted murderers, rapists and serial child
molesters, they deserve to live after all.

Social Security will soon get a look from the new
Democrat controlled Congress, yeah, they will fix it
by taking more money from you per Steny Hoyer on Fox
News Sunday this past weekend. They will raise the
level of income to be able to take more from the top.
That will make all of you “tax the rich”ers happy huh?

The New York Times ran an editorial in which the
author cleverly took BOTH sides on the war in Iraq.
The author advocates for pulling out all of the troops
as soon as possible AND maintaining security and
seeing to it that there is a stable government. Just
how, exactly, does one do that? When you pull the
military out yo pretty effectively remove the ability
to DO anything. If Iraq's politicians are as
effective as ours then NOTHIING will happen over there
except more Muslims killing one another.

Democrats will be Democrats that means WATCH YOUR
WALLET! Meanwhile, I have to think fast, I have an
opportunity coming up to improve my lot in life so I
am researching banking in THE CAYMAN ISLANDS!


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