11 January 2007

War Weary my ass!

By Bill Horton

I did a search on Yahoo for “War Weary America” and guess what I found out? There are supposedly many Americans that are “weary” of the war. To this I say TOUGH! As heard on the EIB Network, I also say GROW UP, the only people that know what war weary means are the people that have been there or their families. I do not have one ounce of sympathy for a person who is “weary” from watching the war on TV.

Folks, this is crap. The military folks in this fight are asking to fight. They are they because they want to be. They did not ask to go to Iraq but they said I will do this for my country, for what ever reason. People are doing it, they are volunteering to do the job!

Warriors can be war weary, their families can be war weary but the folks watching Katie Couric that have no chip in the game CANNOT BE WAR WEARY! These same people put the Democrats in office with the intention of de-funding the war and leaving our troops hanging! Cut and run America, we are going to leave before a victory is achieved if those of you that are “War Weary” get what you want.

America IS becoming a weak nation. There is no recorded history showing surrender as a victory. Surrender tells your opponent that you don't ave the heart to fight them and they will come to our shores!

The President may be the most hated man in America but he is the only person inside the Capital Beltway that appears to have the balls to fight an enemy that truly wants to destroy us completely!


At 7:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

People should read this.


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