31 January 2007

GOD save the King!

By Bill Horton

Move to Venezuela if you want the government to
guarantee you a “way of life”.

Hugo Chavez is proclaiming himself the ruler by
decree of Venezuela! Thats right, health care for
all, work camps, gulags the whole shebang! The place
to be if you are a leftist idealist and do not want to
make a way for yourself. Pacify the weak Hugo, they
will praise you forever!

Thank God it “ain't” quite that easy to do here
or it would have been done already. Catchy phrases
run day in and day out in the New York Times and
spouted off by Anderson Cooper and Judy Woodruff get
used in elections swaying the masses. It still
doesn't work on everyone.

I am making my own way. I do not want the
government handing me anything. Nothing comes without
strings from the all caring federal establishment.
You get “free” health care they get to tell you when,
where and how you will be treated.

I can see how happy lefties would be in Venezuela
now, Hugo is going to tax second homes, he will tax
the second or third cars and high incomes
significantly. Hilary, go serve Hugo, leave us alone!
Take the rest of your pack with you, introduce those
people to your Utopian Socialist State. Your thinking
and that of King Hugo I is nearly the same. Your
hatred for President Bush is identical.

As a matter of fact, in the segment on this
mornings news, the people of Venezuela claim that all
of their hopes and dreams are in Hugo Chavez. He has
a million man army marching through the streets with
imaginary rifles preparing for an invasion from Los
Estados Unidos! (The United States for those of you
that don't habla).

So there you have it. CITGO will be owned by a
Socialist Dictator! Will that be enough for the Navy
Exchange to drop them as their supplier?

I will talk to you individually if you would like
to get you ticket now for HUGOLAND!

11 January 2007

War Weary my ass!

By Bill Horton

I did a search on Yahoo for “War Weary America” and guess what I found out? There are supposedly many Americans that are “weary” of the war. To this I say TOUGH! As heard on the EIB Network, I also say GROW UP, the only people that know what war weary means are the people that have been there or their families. I do not have one ounce of sympathy for a person who is “weary” from watching the war on TV.

Folks, this is crap. The military folks in this fight are asking to fight. They are they because they want to be. They did not ask to go to Iraq but they said I will do this for my country, for what ever reason. People are doing it, they are volunteering to do the job!

Warriors can be war weary, their families can be war weary but the folks watching Katie Couric that have no chip in the game CANNOT BE WAR WEARY! These same people put the Democrats in office with the intention of de-funding the war and leaving our troops hanging! Cut and run America, we are going to leave before a victory is achieved if those of you that are “War Weary” get what you want.

America IS becoming a weak nation. There is no recorded history showing surrender as a victory. Surrender tells your opponent that you don't ave the heart to fight them and they will come to our shores!

The President may be the most hated man in America but he is the only person inside the Capital Beltway that appears to have the balls to fight an enemy that truly wants to destroy us completely!

10 January 2007

DEMS in a nutshell.

By Bill Horton

Have you heard about the newest stem cell source?
Amniotic fluid is the latest find as a stem cell

It does not require the destruction of an embryo
and does not harm the mother. So the Democrats are
already against it.

If you watch the evening news you likely won't
hear about this as Senator Tom Harkin has already put
the word out to the press that they should not break
such stories so close to a Senate debate on stem cell
research. Of course not Senator, we should only
pursue those stories that show the necessity for death
or destruction.

The Democrats are so tied to abortion that they
have to support the destruction of life, except for
convicted murderers, rapists and serial child
molesters, they deserve to live after all.

Social Security will soon get a look from the new
Democrat controlled Congress, yeah, they will fix it
by taking more money from you per Steny Hoyer on Fox
News Sunday this past weekend. They will raise the
level of income to be able to take more from the top.
That will make all of you “tax the rich”ers happy huh?

The New York Times ran an editorial in which the
author cleverly took BOTH sides on the war in Iraq.
The author advocates for pulling out all of the troops
as soon as possible AND maintaining security and
seeing to it that there is a stable government. Just
how, exactly, does one do that? When you pull the
military out yo pretty effectively remove the ability
to DO anything. If Iraq's politicians are as
effective as ours then NOTHIING will happen over there
except more Muslims killing one another.

Democrats will be Democrats that means WATCH YOUR
WALLET! Meanwhile, I have to think fast, I have an
opportunity coming up to improve my lot in life so I
am researching banking in THE CAYMAN ISLANDS!