01 February 2007

Eat the RICH!

By Bill Horton

Climate change is all the buzz these days. Do you buy it?

Is global warming, as stated by the wacko groups, really the threat that it is being hyped up to be?

Is global warming causing ice storms in Texas this year? Is it causing record cold spells throughout the country and the world.

There is a region in france that is hoping for an increase in climate. Their thinking is that their wine grapes will be far better withy a warmer climate. Liberalism is chock full of crisis. These folks like to think that everything they do not understand is a terrible crisis.

I believe that even if the climate is on the climb man has either to adapt or face extinction.

The fate of the planet is not likely to be in my hands. I firmly believe that should my maker see the need to end the Earth then that is beyond my control.

This makes me want to delve deeper into what makes liberalism so insane, so silly. I do not hate the world around me. I do not despise the amount of money a CEO can make should said CEO lead an organization to highly profitable times. I do not hold a grudge against millionaires, in fact, I look at them and try to figure out and angle. An angle by which I can “gets mines”.

Seriously, I don't get why money is hated by the libs. The “poster-child” libs all have plenty and they are loved and adored. I guess they are the leaders and they deserve to be loaded but everyone else must live poor. They have one hell of a public relations firm because no one seems to notice that the ones whining the loudest about money to executives are often worth as much or more than the exec!

I know that there are those out there that experience great jealousy when talking about the wealthy. Why be jealous? Do you begrudge folks the right to earn weath? Do you believe that you earn what you make? Do you believe that you contribute to the world around you? If you do then why would you begrudge someone else their compensation for the degree to which another contributes. Do you judge others to be less worthy based on the job they do to get paid?

I believe that all of the hand-wringing and jealousy is ginned up by lib politicos and the willing media to keep the poor needy to the government rather than promote self-reliance and self-sufficiency.

I hope there is no jealousy of wealth in this crowd. I hope that each of you has what you want and live as you choose. If not, what would you like to do? If you can imagine what you would like to do, what is stopping you?

Just food for thought.