04 January 2008


By Bill Horton


Welcome to 2008!

2007 was a pretty good year and this one is lined up to be special indeed!

We are past the Iowa Caucuses, and what do you know? We have B. Hussein Obama out in front from the Dems!

Mike Huckabee is the frontrunner for the Republicans. Huckabee does nothing for me. The only one in the race that interests me is Fred Thompson. McCain, Hilary and Giuliani are for the same thing.

The tax plan Huckabee wants to throw at us would increase the price of EVERYTHING you buy 23 percent the next day!

The “Change Train” has left the station. B. Hussein Obama and Hillary are the engineers of change this time around. If you voted for Democrats in 2006 get ready for this go round. First thing Obama wanted to do was attack Pakistan and pull out of Iraq. Isn’t that neat? A liberal that understands that any attacks by Democrats are okay. Any war started by a Republican is wrong. Psst-Vietnam was wholly owned by Democrats, Nixon ended it!

I have settled in down here in the area of the Big Easy. Life is pretty good. Always looking but going pretty fair so far.

What are you all thinking out there? Are you ready for another leftist President? Is it time to open the borders and for America to surrender in Iraq? I only mentioned Iraq because we all know that the troops in Bosnia were sent there by Bill Clinton and that makes that one ok, right? If we surrender in Iraq we will need to bring all troops from all over the world because of the attacks that would soon follow from our friends from the “Religion of Peace”!